Changing folder names?

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 25/05-24 20:13
Carlos Machado
Posts: 1
I have a collection of folders where I want a particular section of the folder name removed.

For example: Capitol Media Music The Professional 01 - Tom Elliot - Space Electronics (MERS-6)

What I want removed in that example is the "- Tom Elliot" portion. All other folders that I want to rename follow this same pattern, but the number of characters I want removed varies depending on the length of the artist name. So doing a Remove action won't ideally work, but Remove Pattern would work perfectly. However I'm confused about which format string to use. It seems like a simple action. Does anyone know what I should use?
#2 : 25/05-24 20:29
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 406
Hi Carlos,

I'd use replace anyway, assuming you still want to separate the two remaining parts of the filename with *something*.

REPLACE method:

replace: "\- ?[^\-]+? ?\-" (no quotes)
with: -
Case sens: Unchecked
Reg Exp: Checked! (I originally braindeadly wrote unchecked... duh)
Apply to: Name

This will remove a dash, anything not a dash, and then a dash again; so it will take out anything between your dashes. I replaced with a dash, but you can use whatever - or nothing.

EDIT: This will remove a dash and (maybe) a space, anything not a dash, and then (maybe) a space and dash; so it will take out anything between your dashes. [I also edited the "replace" text to mae the spaces non-mandatory] END EDIT

Best regards,

edited: 25/05-24 20:54
#3 : 26/05-24 13:04
Posts: 171
Reply to #2:
A simple REPLACE method without using regex will work

REPLACE WITH:- (This is optional)

#4 : 26/05-24 14:03
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 406
Reply to #3:

You're absolutely right! Simple is good! :)

Leave it to me to complicate the thing...
