Filename sorting - frustrating

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 31/05-24 23:47
Lorri A Peltz Lewis
Posts: 1
I can sort in my window on date/time and get what I want for renaming. The date modified is what I just pulled from the cloud so this doesn't work, the date taken is not populated correctly, BUT I can sort by date/time as that was preserved in the cloud. As I am sorting through multiple cameras this has been working great until I drag the selected photos into AR and it sorts based on the NAME.

I tried finding date/time, but there is NO OPTION for this and none of the options provided let me sort by simple date/time. It used to be on a previous version that I could just drag in the sorted files and they stayed as I had them sorted and AR worked great, now I have to prename them before I can use AR?

Is there a solution to stop the automatic sorting in AR by filename?
#2 : 01/06-24 00:25
randy batoon
Posts: 4
Reply to #1:
besides posting here you may want to drop them an email; [email protected]
i did this
#3 : 01/06-24 00:40
Posts: 171
Reply to #1:
In settings you have the option to stop ARen sorting the items when added by drag and drop.


EDIT: If you right click on any of the columns names you can customize the columns. You can add "Create Date" and "Modified Date" columns.

edited: 01/06-24 13:01