What is the timestamp tag for milliseconds

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 22/06-24 09:19
Posts: 5
Hello, I need some help.

I have the following file name pattern:

#2 : 22/06-24 16:30
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 410
Reply to #1:

Hi Terry,

Check for access to <Exiftool:TimeStamp> in the exif data of your files. That (sometimes?) has it. That's the only place I've seen it, but of course there may be other exif fields in some file types that include it. Just highlight a representative file and use the Exiftool button to check for fields that include a 3-character extra field in the time data. I don't think there's a separate tag to extract that, but you'll be able to use a substr or rsubstr tag to access it.

Let's say your files have the <Exiftool:TimeStamp> with milliseconds. Your first method would either replace or add on to the current filename with that tag.
It would look something like 2017-11-18 11-45-36.835-06-00.jpg (my timestamp tags use a colon, which has to be replaced with whatever character you use in settings for unusable characters).
A subsequent REPLACE method could use
"<rsubstr:1:6>" (without quotes, of course)
to remove the offset at the end, if desired.
EDIT: (I had to add "_<IncNrDir> to disambiguate)
Here's a screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_pyd8gTWvoIPX2 u-Sck6H-8wUpkgzzw/view?usp=sharing

Good luck!

Best wishes,

edited: 22/06-24 16:44