#1 : 25/06-24 17:38 Reinhard
Posts: 1
I was looking for a SW which can handle GPS informnation to define the location where the picture was made. As described your database contains city names >1000. As I travel in areas with a lot of smaller towns or points of interests like alpine passes my question is if you plan to extend your tool to get these informations as well. Thx in advance, Reinhard |
#2 : 25/06-24 20:22 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #1:
Hi Reinhard, welcome, First, the User Guide information on GPS Location tags states that ARen uses a database of over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (100,000) cities and towns. I hasten to add that so that other information seekers following won't see your post in a search and believe it is the truth. One thousand towns would be extremely sparse; I own land in two small Texas towns (less than 2,500 people each) and ARen geotags them correctly. Second, if you do a forum search on "GPS" you'll find information on how to import GPS data from external internet databases and use it to rename files. I've only used the information accessible from within ARen so I can't really comment on the accuracy of the information, but if you look for poster David Lee you will be getting actionable information. Third, you should drop a line to Kim Jensen at Advanced Renamer support. He is the author of ARen and is currently working on the next major release of ARen. Just click on Support in the menu above and you can email him directly. He may or may not have plans in the GPS area, but you will get the true information. Best wishes, DF |
#3 : 26/06-24 10:25 Kim Jensen
Posts: 953 |
Reply to #1:
Finding the city for a GPS coordinate is not as easy as it might sound. In the database all the cites are just points, on a map. Finding the city is based on finding the nearest city to the GPS coordinate of the image file. But what is a city? In some cases an area within a larger city might be registered as a city on its own. When I started working with the geo databases, I found that results would vary a lot within very short distances and my conclusion was that it would not be desirable for most people. If they are on vacation in Berlin they want the filenames to contain the name Berlin and not a more unknown named city area within Berlin. To be honest, it has been many years since my last update of the geo database and I would like to make a new one. I cannot add new geo features without also building a new database. I plan to start the work in the fall, and I might add more city-based tags to target other types of cities. |