Rename and move?

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 18/07-24 03:09
Hal Eary
Posts: 3
I did a search on the forum and found similar but not exactly my scenario. I would like to rename my image files and, at the same time move them into directories to organize them. Let me explain:
- the original filename is DSCN0001.NRW, created on 20240101 at 09:00:00
- I use the exif data to rename the file to 20240101_090000.NRW
- I want a folder to be created with the name 202401 and the new file to be moved there
I tried adding a "\" to the renaming function thinking that would create the folder, but AR balked (invalid character in name). Is there a way to do this?

edited: 18/07-24 03:11
#2 : 18/07-24 12:14
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #1:

Hi Hal,

You can do it, but you might have to use two batch instances of ARen to do it: the first to rename the files and the second to move them.

I used <ExifTool:DateTimeOriginal> in a NEW NAME method (and added "_<IncNrDir> because the test files I used had the same date+time; you may not need that).

Two REPLACE methods, one to remove the dashes (you may have ARen set to replace unusable characters with some other character) and one to change the space to the underscore you want between date and time.

After executing that batch I reload the renamed files and use MOVE MODE to move the files to <substr:1:8>, which will either create a directory with the date if none exists or move files to an existing directory.

#3 : 18/07-24 18:27
Posts: 170
Reply to #2:
Hi Delta.
Don't you think it can be done in one method?

I have used the Replace method instead the New Name method,
Text to Replace: <Name>
Replace with: <Date Modified:yyyymmdd>_<Time Modified:hhnnss>

and in the output folder: <Date Modified:yyyymm> Z5Uyf4V56kDOVvzEA/view?usp=drive_link

Of course yo can find problems with with same date+time.

#4 : 18/07-24 22:33
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #3:

Hey Miguel,

Yes, that should indeed work. I was sleepy and didn't fully consider the problem before blabbing my big mouth.

Thanks for setting me straight! Glad you're around to wake me up! :)

#5 : 19/07-24 01:04
Hal Eary
Posts: 3
Reply to #3:
I will certainly give this a try and let you know the results. Thank you so much for your quick response. I will certainly register this software, it's well worth the nominal cost.
#6 : 19/07-24 03:41
Hal Eary
Posts: 3
Reply to #5:
You guys rock! Here is what I used (in case someone else could use the info) and I got exactly the output I wanted... it creates a folder from the date the picture was taken with the format yyyy-mm (e.g., 2024-01) and puts the renamed files in it. I am now a registered user.

Batch Mode: Move
Text to be replaced: <Name>
Replace with: <Img DateOriginal:yyyy-mm-dd>_<Img TimeOriginal:hh-mm-ss>
Output folder: <Drive>:\<Path>\<Img DateOriginal:yyyy-mm>
Name collision rule: Append number
Separator: _