#1 : 20/07-24 18:29 Jalen Kimble
Posts: 9
How do I add the new names to the beginning of old ones instead of overwriting them? For example, I have 18 folders, and I want to add their names to the beginning of the ones from their respective files.
#2 : 21/07-24 00:11 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 401
Reply to #1:
Hi Jalen, Replace method: TTBR: <Name> RW: <Foldername><Name> New name method: New name: <Foldername><Name> Add method: Add: <Foldername> At index: 1 Nothing checked, all apply to Name https://www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/getti ngstarted <---good reading Best, DF |
#3 : 21/07-24 03:35 Jalen Kimble
Posts: 9
Reply to #2:
None of them worked. The folders are named Keijo English Volume 1-18, by the way. https://drive.google.com/file/d/13bvfd328cZAONcH ocTLsdD1u1zozX_oc/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xfq-Aw8A3cShfk0 CGMSbA_ekNQ_aZWj3/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/10zsyT_DO8xunLZ- zhcAg7URac1wSs9nV/view?usp=sharing |
#4 : 21/07-24 05:09 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 401
Reply to #3:
Jalen, Sorry, all three methods work for me. I see you are using an older version of the program; maybe you should upgrade to the latest version? But before you do that, try using <dirname> instead of <foldername>. I'm not sure which came first, but it's worth a try. Best, DF |