At the beginning of the names

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 23/07-24 13:13
Posts: 18
Hello everyone. Some songs in my archive have characters in their names that I don't want.
For example;
01 - Barry White - Lets Get It On.mp3
02Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are.mp3
3A - 122 - Katy Perry - Birthday 2014 (Audio) by

That's what I want to do;
Barry White - Lets Get It On.mp3
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are.mp3
Katy Perry - Birthday 2014 (Audio).mp3

As you can see, I want to delete characters like (01, -, 3A - 122 -) and so on. What kind of editing or formula should I do in Advanced Renamer for this? I tried some formulas, but this time it also deletes the first letter from the name of the song. Please help me. Have a nice day.

edited: 23/07-24 13:14
#2 : 23/07-24 13:42
Posts: 170
Reply to #1:
Perhaps you could use the next tags:
Method NEW NAME:
<Audio Artist> - <Audio Title>

See if it work with yours files.

#3 : 23/07-24 14:20
Posts: 18
Reply to #2:
thank you. I'll try it right away.

Since there is no label information, it just gives a space as a new name.

edited: 23/07-24 14:22
#4 : 23/07-24 14:30
Posts: 18
Reply to #3:
For example, I have one file.
7A - 112 - Amapantsula Experience - Gobling Clubfog (Original Mix).mp3
7B - 120 - Charles & Eddie - Would I Lie To You.mp3
08 - Vanilla Ice - Ice ice ice baby.mp3
I cannot fix these names with a single method. Even if I fix them, the letter “A” is deleted in music with the first letter “A”.
I write the following code by applying the correction method.

I know that I have made a mistake somewhere and I do not know how to solve the problem because I am not very familiar with the program. Please help me.
#5 : 23/07-24 14:37
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #2:

EDIT: Oops, sorry Demir, didn't see your replies. I haven't had a chance to try this on your new examples but it looks like it would work. END EDIT

EDIT 2: Ok, yeah, it seems to work on those filename patterns too. END EDIT

EDIT 3: Example: 9Ocd4pFnCfyt8GTve/view?usp=sharing END EDIT

Hi guys,

Miguel's method is certainly the best way to do it if those tags work on your files. If not, there's another way to do it, but it's not pretty and you may have to add more to it if there are more patterns than those three in the examples.

The following works on the three examples by cascading deletes, but if you have other patterns it may mess things up. Also, this only works on the " by www.<whatever>" at the end if the space + "by" is always there in the case of trailing junk.

(All methods need regex, not case sensitive, applies to name)
1. Remove pattern:
Pattern: ^\d(\w)

2. Remove pattern:
Pattern: ^ - (\d\d\d - )?

3. Remove pattern:
Pattern: by(.*)$ <---- one space before the word by

This removes the bad parts in steps in such a way that it cascades the deletes to take out only bad stuff.

Bottom line: Use Miguel's method if it works, but this may give you an idea of how to "work around." Adjust as needed for other patterns in your filenames. (and good luck!) :)


edited: 23/07-24 15:12
#6 : 23/07-24 15:44
Posts: 18
Reply to #5:
I regret to say that unfortunately it did not turn out as I expected. I am sharing a sample photo;
#7 : 23/07-24 16:00
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #6:


It's hard to read you picture (not just because it's in another language; the picture quality is bad for some reason) but it looks like you have another pattern where, instead of 3 digits there's a group 2 that is a digit and a letter.

Try this:
1. Pattern 1 stays the same.
2. Change the pattern to "^ - " (no quotes, that's just to show there's a space after the dash)
3. Insert another REMOVE PATTERN method:
Pattern: "^(\d[A-Z]|\d\d\d)( - )?" (again, no quotes)
4. Keep the old #3 here.

Let me know what you learn.


edited: 23/07-24 16:23
#8 : 23/07-24 16:07
Posts: 18
Reply to #7:
Thank you for your help. I don't speak English very well either. I speak it with the help of a program. But the method in the program is correct, but somehow it can still be a problem. But thank you very much. And finally, I made a great mistake, I deleted all the spaces in the song titles without realizing it. And unfortunately, the undo doesn't work. I'm deleting this program. Otherwise I think I will have worse consequences.
#9 : 23/07-24 16:23
Posts: 170
Reply to #6:
Sorry my solution didn´t work.

The DF solution will work simply adding a New remove pattern:

Remove Pattern: (\d\w+ - )

EDIT: Sorry to ear that you are goin to delete the program. Are you sure that undo don´t work?
Try the replace method
Text to replace:-
Replace with: - (add a space before an after -)

edited: 23/07-24 16:39
#10 : 23/07-24 16:28
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #9:


Much cleaner than my change.

I feel bad for Demir, I wonder why he couldn't undo? :(


#11 : 23/07-24 16:33
Posts: 18
Reply to #9:
Dude, thank you so much. My problem is solved, but because of the operations I did before, all the spaces were deleted. Now I need help to reinsert these spaces.
The file names changed from Alphaville - Big In Japan to Alphaville-BigInJapan.
#12 : 23/07-24 16:35
Posts: 18
Reply to #10:
Dude, please don't be sad. It's my fault. I was in a hurry, I wasn't careful and it ended badly. It's not your fault. I'm grateful to you for your help.
#13 : 23/07-24 16:38
Posts: 170
Reply to #11:
REPLACE WITH: - (add a blank space before an after the -)
#14 : 23/07-24 16:45
Posts: 18
Reply to #10:
Unfortunately I get the error “The renamed file was not found”.

edited: 23/07-24 16:49
#15 : 23/07-24 16:48
Posts: 18
Reply to #13:
Yeah. [chuckles] That worked. But I can't solve the gap in the song or singer names.
MichaelJackson - BillieJean
#16 : 23/07-24 17:08
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #15:


If all words are capitalized, you can just insert spaces in front of any capital letter, like this:
(Leave out all quotes)

REPLACE method:
Text to be replaced: "([^\(])([A-Z\(])"
Replace with: "$1 $2"
Case sensitive: CHECKED
Use regular expressions: CHECKED

This might give you two spaces after a dash, but that's easy to fix, right? :)


edited: 23/07-24 17:10
#17 : 23/07-24 17:16
Posts: 170
Reply to #15:
hello. Oops I didn't realize that.
Try REPLACE method
REPLACE: ([a-z])([A-Z])
Replace with:$1 $2 Add a space before $2
Check use regular expression
EDIT: Dint realize that DF give you a solution.

edited: 23/07-24 17:27
#18 : 23/07-24 17:29
Posts: 18
Finally, I would like to know one more thing. Some of my files start with “01. or 01 - ..... 35. or 35 - “. If I want to use a single command instead of typing numbers one by one, which method or command should I use?
#19 : 23/07-24 17:47
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #18:


If you just want to remove two digits at the start just use a Remove pattern method with pattern "^\d\d". If you need to remove, say, one to three digits, possibly a space, and a period or dash, use this instead:

"^\d{1,3} ?[\.\-]"
(no quotes)
Case sensitivity NO
Regular expressions YES

Good luck!
#20 : 23/07-24 17:48
Posts: 18
Reply to #16:
Dude, you're the best. Thank you very much. And I want to say that I think it makes a lot of difference that the language of the program is English.
#21 : 23/07-24 18:02
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 404
Reply to #20:

Demir, I think you might be right! :)

Keep a good attitude, my friend,
#22 : 23/07-24 18:39
Posts: 18
Reply to #17:
Dude, thank you so much. You've helped me a lot. You guys are great.
#23 : 24/07-24 13:21
Posts: 18
Hello again friends. I need your help. With the Advanced Renamer program, I want to remove the parenthesis sign at the beginning of the song names and the text written inside. Which code do I need to use for this? Thank you in advance for your help.

Sample text;
(Tech House) GIANT - Hot Stuff (Radio Edit)
(UK Hip Hop) J Hus - Its Crazy (Clean)

I just want to clean the brackets at the beginning of the songs and the text inside.
#24 : 24/07-24 13:45
Posts: 170
Reply to #23:
Hi Demir.

Use next REPLACE method:

REPLACE: (*) "add a space after ) this remove the extra space generated"
Occurrence: 1st
Apply to: Name
#25 : 24/07-24 14:14
Posts: 18
Reply to #24:
Thank you very much. Thanks to you, I solved the problem. Thank you very much again.