Copy one file to multiple files in bath

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 04/08-24 01:24
Do Van Giap
Posts: 1
Dear community,

Is it possible to copy one file to multiple files (new name) in bath mode? For example below:

Source\File A -> Destination\File A_1
Source\File A -> Destination\File A_2
Source\File A -> Destination\File A_3

I've tried to use Copy with "Import File from CSV" feature however it only copy one to one, not one to multiple.

Please advise, many thanks.
#2 : 04/08-24 10:53
Posts: 150
Reply to #1:
I think you cannot get the result you want from the programme. Wait for other users' contributions.

One solution is to use the "for" command at the command prompt:
for /l %%f in (1,1,10) do (copy "C:\Source folder path\File.txt" "C:\Target folder path\File_%%f.txt")
where 10 is the number of files copied to the destination path. Change this value to change the number of files copied.
You can save this command in a text file with the .bat extension.
#3 : 04/08-24 16:42
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 417
Reply to #2:

I agree, there's no simple way to do that with ARen. You *could* do it by using the command line tool to create a batch file, then modify the batch file to run the program three times with modified target directories, but that's way more work than just using a batch file with Windows tools like copy or xcopy or robocopy (I think that last one is a real thing).

If you aren't all "code-y" like Styb (and me, sort of :) you could just write a batch file with three statements in it:

xcopy /S /I /E Source_Directory Destination1
Xcopy /S /I /E Source_Directory Destination2
Xcopy /S /I /E Source_Directory Destination3

(you could use "move" instead of xcopy for the last command if you wanted to move the files out of the current directory)

There's a lot of help online with syntax to do that, those are just generally useful switches, I'd do my own due diligence if I were you.

Good luck,