Convert UTC to Local time while renaming

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 26/10-24 18:02
Posts: 2
I'm trying to rename many video-files from iphone using advanced renamer. The <ExifTool:CreateDate> returns the date in UTC Time-stamped but I need to add +05:45 to make the file name reflect my local time-zone. I cannot figure out a way to do this.
Please help.
#2 : 26/10-24 19:09
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 406
Reply to #1:

Hi Prajwal,

Assuming you are using Windows, in version 4.05 you can try:
<Date Created:yyyy-mm-dd hh-nn-ss:+5h+45n>
Kim has added time adjustments for such problems (if the <Date Created> is a valid date/time, of course).

See: gs_datetimecreated
At the bottom of the page is a link to information about time adjustment.

#3 : 27/10-24 17:47
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:
Hi Delta,

Thanks for your reply. I have a few more questions.

Case 1::
The <Date Created> tag is not the value I want. I want the CreateDate exif value which I can extract using <ExifTool:CreateDate> tag.

And when I tried using the same date adjustment technique as you suggested, it didn't work.
I used following tag and parameters.
<ExifTool:CreateDate:yyyy-mm-dd hh-nn-ss:+5h+45n>
Seems like the technique doesn't work for this tag.

Case 2::
I managed to find a workaround but not exactly sure of it. I used <Video Date>_<Video Time> tag to extract the value I want and the date adjustment technique seemed to work for this tag. But I am not sure if this tag is extracting value from CreateDate Exif value as there seems to be so many date attributes with identical values. So my concern is the tag <Video Date>_<Video Time> may be extracting the value from a different tag. Please clarify how can I know where is it taking the value from.
Even if it is giving the correct value I want there's another concern. What if the time adjustment causes the day to increment by 1. How do I handle that correctly? The workaround I found for that is below. Not sure if it is the correct way. Please let me know.
<Video Date:yyyy-mm-dd:+5h+45n>_<Video Time:hh-nn-ss:+5h+45n>
#4 : 27/10-24 18:42
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 406
Reply to #3:

Hi Prajwal,

Exiftool is an external "helper" program and doesn't obey the rules Kim has built in to the internal date/time commands.

How about <Video Date:yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss:+5h+45n> ? Works for me.

#5 : 27/10-24 19:45
Kim Jensen
Posts: 956
You cannot use ExifTool together with the time adjustment values. For now you can only use it with the build in date and time values, like <Img Year>, <Img Month>, <Img Hour> etc. If the value you want to use it not the correct one, you can change it in the settings window on the media tab.