Possible To Remove All Letters But Not Numbers?

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 25/11-24 15:45
rob stanley
Posts: 2
Is there a method for removing all the alpa letters in file names but not the numerical digits?

For example, I have folder with hundreds of images in. All the images have different file names based on the product code, containing both letters and numbers, such as Mule Tan Leather 26181239 , and so on.

How do I remove all the letters and just leave the numerical product code.

#2 : 25/11-24 17:09
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 431
Reply to #1:

Hi Rob, welcome,

Sure. Open a Replace method, check the Regular Expression box, and enter "[A-Z]" (no quotes) in the "Replace:" field. Make sure the "Case sensitive" box is UNCHECKED; nothing in the "Replace with:" field. "Occurrence:" should be "All".

EDIT: Possbly a better way to do it would be to use "[^\d]" (no quotes) in the "Replace:" field. This says to replace everything EXCEPT numbers with {nothing}. END EDIT
Any problems let us know.


edited: 25/11-24 17:17
#3 : 25/11-24 17:21
rob stanley
Posts: 2