Rename files with "sref" function

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 09/12-24 12:53
Peter Triangle
Posts: 1

I have list (excel sheet or txt) with 2 columns:
Col A: "12345" (item No)
Col B: "5114857912304" (EAN code)

+600 rows/items in total.

I have JPG files named fix after Col A: "12345.jpg" which I want to simply rename to the according Col B: "5114857912304.jpg"

The Logic: If a file name contains "Col A" in the filename it's to be replaced with "Col B".

How can I do this with AR?

Thanks :-)

#2 : 09/12-24 19:41
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #1:

Hi Peter, welcome,

It's really easy if you already have the name pairs in a csv file. Open ARen, clear the method list if necessary, then click "Import/Files from CSV". You'll get a popup box where you can enter the path/name of the csv file, the path to the files to rename, and a definition of the csv (the rest is similar to importing a text file into a spreadsheet). Make sure you get the delimiter and column definitions correct, change the File encoding if necessary, and click the Import button. If all goes well you'll see your original filenames and the new names in the Files list. Bada-Bing!

EDIT: A "List" method box will pop up in the method list. If things don't look right in the preview, check the "Apply to: box at the bottom of that list method to make sure it's set to "Name and extension".

Screenshot: aHFXrqezjGEyEhuOg/view?usp=drive_link

Let us know if you have questions.


edited: 09/12-24 19:51