Version 4.06 add function not work.

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 13/12-24 04:42
Posts: 1
Hi I installed the version 4.06 recently. When I use the add function, it didn't work. Normally it will show on the New Filename pane of what will be, it didn't show. When I click Start Batch it seems to work but it didn't. Filename not change.
#2 : 13/12-24 07:43
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #1:

Hi Kraisri,

I tried v4.06 with both files and folders and it worked for me. Can you be more specific about what you did? Did you check to make sure the read-only flag was unset on the files/folders? Were you using the installed version or the portable version?


edited: 13/12-24 07:44