rename photo files with date created

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 02/01-25 20:22
Posts: 2
Dear Advanced Renamers,
I'm trying to rename photo files named as 'IMG-0000' to a name with the date created into it, ie '20161212 IMG-0000'. So far, I am only getting the current date into the file names; the programme doesn't seem to copy the existing date stamp.
Can anyone help me with that?
Many thanks for your advice!
#2 : 03/01-25 04:56
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 402
Reply to #1:

Hi Els,

You didn't state what ways you've already tried, so I'm just shooting blind here.

Have you tried the <Date Created> tags? See here if not: gs_datetimecreated

EDIT: I forgot to say, these tags are only available on windows. END EDIT

Using the ( most simple) version I used above you should get day-month-year, or whatever is appropriate in your locale. There are a multitude of options for accessing date and time in whatever format you want.

If that doesn't work for you for some reason there are also metadata tags available (look under the large "i" button left of the method list).

If you need more help hit us back. And when you ask a question, please remember that a problem that seems obvious to you will probably be way more opaque to us here in the "dark"... :)


edited: 03/01-25 04:59
#3 : 03/01-25 08:00
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:
Thanks for your reply! I was able to figure it out, yay!

What I did was, working in windows, to use 'batchlist for renaming' and then use the tab 'date' and click 'date created'. wrong apparently. I now used the tab 'photo' and then created new name <Img DateOriginal:yyyymmdd>_<Name>, which did the trick!

Very happy with the result - it will save me many hours in the future aswell.

Thanks for your support!
#4 : 13/01-25 08:01
jessi pinkman
Posts: 1
Reply to #3:
thank you guys, it helps me

edited: 13/01-25 08:02