Sorting by Column

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 05/01-25 19:56
Buck Yeah
Posts: 1
Hi There,

Not sure, why you removed the option to sort the files by column a- or descending, but this was a pretty basic, intuitive and frequently used method by me. I now have to do the sorting in Windows Explorer, change the settings in ARN and drag and drop the files.

Issue 1: If I want to change anything, I have to remove all files and start all over again.
Issue 2: Let's say I sorted the files by created date (which I regularly do). If I now want to exclude certain file names from the batch, I can't find them anymore unless I toggle back to Windows File Explorer, Sort the files by name and note the date and time the one's I wish to exclude have been created.

One could argue that this isn't very "advanced" anymore. :o/ Please bring back the "sort by column" option! Thanks!!

Other than that - thanks for your hard work and a great tool. I use it all the time! ;o)

#2 : 06/01-25 07:08
Kim Jensen
Posts: 953
Reply to #1:
What? I have not removed the option to sort files by any column. You can still sort by clicking the column headers. Some columns cannot be sorted, those are checkbox, newname, error, newpath, new modified timestamp and new created timestamp.

But you might experience that when sorting the list, new names are not being automatically generated immediately after the sorting. This will be fixed in version 4.08.