Error reading renamed files on Samsung TV

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 02/02-16 16:29
Posts: 3
Hello Everyone,

Just need some help on the following:

1) I cleaned and sorted all my pictures (over 20000 in some 100 folders) and renamed them under Windows (F2 function on selected files). After that I had files: photo (1).jpg, photo (2).jpg, etc. I could read them on PC (displayed in proper order) adn I could read them in "funny" order on my Samsung TV. Funny means following order: photo (1).jpg, photo (10).jpg, photo (11).jpg, (19).jpg, photo (2).jpg. So the order was alphabetical: 10 is after 1, 2 is after 19 etc.
2) Then I used ADVANCED RENAMER, and again I renamed files receiving new numbering: photo001.jpg, photo 002.jpg etc. After renaming I could use and display files on PC BUT on Samsung TV file names were displayed with OLD names (eg. photo (1).jpg instead of photo001.jpg) and TV displayed message "file format not supported" with no image.

Any idea why using ADVANCED RENAMER caused such problems?



02/02-16 16:29 - edited 02/02-16 16:32
#2 : 03/02-16 08:32
Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Posts: 883
Reply to #1:
How are the TV accessing the files? Are the files located on an external NAS? In that case, the index of files might be outdated and a restart might be required.

03/02-16 08:32
#3 : 03/02-16 08:54
Posts: 3
Reply to #2:

I attach external HDD to USB slot in TV. Like I said: on PC works fine, on TV I see old names and cannot display images. I even formatted HDD and copied files again - same issue.

03/02-16 08:54
#4 : 03/02-16 13:29
Posts: 3
Reply to #3:
Do you really think Advanced Renamer can do a "voodoo magic" forcing other devices to cache information and then fail to renew it? Seems like TV's software failure. Probably the same issue like guys here are having: -a-way-to-clear-my-televisions-usb-cache -memory-534604/

03/02-16 13:29
#5 : 04/02-16 07:50
Posts: 3
Reply to #4:

Thanks for the tip, I will try renaming / using other HDD.

I thought it's Advanced Renamer problem because first renaming under Windows didn't cause any trouble.

04/02-16 07:50