Problem renaming NEF file pairs by timestamp

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 17/07-17 04:17
Steve Aiken
Steve Aiken
Posts: 3
Hi, I'm new to this software - it looks like a great tool so far.

I'm trying to rename .NEF/.JPEG pairs by timestamp.

I added method 'Rename' and used this string: <IMG Year>-<IMG Month>-<IMG Day>_<IMG Hour>-<IMG Min>-<IMG Sec>_steve.<Ext>

I then selected "name collision rule" = "Append Incrementing Number"

Then I selected 'Program' tab, 'Settings', 'Renaming' and made sure the box is checked for "Rename file pairs with the same new file name"

Problem: the batch successfully renames the JPEG files (e.g. 2017-05-18_07-26-30_steve.jpeg
However, it does not successfully rename the NEF file (e.g. --_--_steve.NEF_001

Can anyone explain? Am I doing something wrong? Any fixes?

Thanks in advance for your help. My camera is a Nikon D5300 and I have the latest download version of Advanced Renamer


17/07-17 04:17
#2 : 24/07-17 14:55
Steve Aiken
Steve Aiken
Posts: 3
Reply to #1:
Interestingly enough, I was able to successfully rename both JPEG and NEF files with another program called 'Bulk Rename Utility'. I guess I will just use this, since I can't seem to get the issue resolved here.


24/07-17 14:55