Version log
Advanced Renamer Version Log:
Advanced Renamer 4.03 - 10. september 2024
* Fixed "check for updates" always saying there is a new version available
* Undo batch window: Job list was sorted in the wrong direction
* Undo batch window: Fixed columns growing in width every time window is opened
* After batch, all items were removed, also unmarked items. When adding "All items" only previously marked items were added
* When removing an item from the list, new names were not updated immediately
Advanced Renamer 4.02 - 6. september 2024
* Settings: JS: Editor font size
* GPS tags with spaces, like "Country Short" did not work
+ New GPS tag "<GPS State Short>" for short version of state. Not available for all countries. Mostly just the US.
+ When using GPS tags, like <GPS City>, the nearest city of a certain size is used. The size can be changed in the settings on the Media Files tab (min 1000, max 1 mio)
Advanced Renamer 4.01 - 27. august 2024
* Fixed item details not allowing selection when filter has been applied
* F2 key for overriding new filaname will now only fire when list is focused
* Metadata based columns and the columns Size and Extension is no longer available when folder mode is active
* When referencing the user guide, the program will open a guide made for version 4
+ Added Help menu item to method header right click menu
* Fixed localization of message dialogs on Windows
* Made font in script editor easier to read
Advanced Renamer 4.0 Beta 4 - 20. august 2024
* Better support for unicode characters for index based batch methods (like add text at index)
* Recently used methods list: Show message when no methods presets are found. When selecting non-existing preset, it will be removed from the list
* The tag <Inc Alpha> now supports multiple characters. Adjust padding with longer start value, like <Inc Alpha:AAA>
* Fixed when methods had a long custom description, the buttons to the right would be pushed off screen forcing a scrollbar to be shown
* Fixed localication not working on Windows for text spanning multiple lines
* List Replace method now supports regex replacement patterns like \1 or $1
* When loading and saving method presets, the recent dropdown box will keep the recent method selected
* Fixed dead links for the documentation on the insert tag panel
Advanced Renamer 4.0 Beta 3 - 7. august 2024
* Tag descriptions in New Name method are now available for translation
* Fixed columns not being localized to selected language at startup (proper fix)
* Fixed close button not always shown properly in about window
* MP3 Metadata: Fixed support when strings are encoded in a certain way
+ MP3 Metadata: Added support for ID3v1 genre references in ID3v2 tags
+ Swap and Replace method: Readded Occurrence dropdown
* Fixed batch mode not being localized in the pre batch window
+ CSV Export: Configure encoding, delimiter, quotes, and header before export
* Insert tag panel will remember the last used page when program is reopened
+ Added favorites page to Insert tag panel. Right click tag to add to favorites
- Help buttons removed some places. Did not look good in some high DPI modes
* High DPI changes
Advanced Renamer 4.0 Beta 2 - 30. july 2024
+ New method condition option: Include or exclude items for each method based on a pattern or regular expression. Available for most methods
* .lnk files will be ignored when tried added on Windows. The result of renaming shortcut files is just too unpredictable
* Reordered controls on Program tab in settings window
+ Added option to disable warning message before renaming when extension has changed
+ Trim method: Added trim location option: Start, End, Start and End, and All
+ Trim method: Added inverse match option to remove all characters not matching the pattern
* New case method: New more compact UI
+ New case method: Added new location option: Position, to change case based on position and count
* Replace method: Case sensitive option did not work with regular expressions
* Replace method: Fixed unmatched regular expression groups: When substitution like \3 and only two groups were found, it was substituted by $ instead of empty string. Change to match behavior of Advanced Renamer 3
* Replace method: Fixed changing case of matches when using regular expressions. Ver 3 supported using \U1 to uppercase the first group match. This is now also supported in Ver 4 by using \U$1. Also applies to \L, \u, and \l
* Fixed changing language did nothing on Windows
* When removing items from the list while Item Details was open, a removed item would sometimes still be displayed in the Item Details
* Scroll wheel no longer changes grid selection
* Fixed strings with line breaks were not always translated when using other languages than English
* Fixed columns not being localized to selected language at startup
* Fixed compact menu items not displaying correctly in other languages than English
* Color mode can now be changed explicitly in the Settings window (Windows only)
Advanced Renamer 4.0 Beta 1 - 23. july 2024
* New left panel with buttons for switching between method panel, folder panel, and info panel
* New file format for language files
* New scripting engine based on QuickJS
+ Native support for retrieving metadata from many media formats
+ Any metadata value can now become a column
* Adding files is now faster
* Import menu group has been removed. The items are now in a sub menu in the Add group
* In tags, metadata prefixes are now optional. This means that <Img Title> and <Title> are not the same. The default tag is now <Title>. This also means the space after the prefix is no longer optional. When using prefix, the space must separate the actual tag
* Speed improvement when parsing tags
* When padding numeric tag values with zero, as an addition to 0-notation, you can also just specify the number between 1 and 9. Both these are now valid: <Pages:000> and <Pages:3>
+ Insert tag panel now shows a "Show more" button to reveal all metadata fields found in the files added to the program since startup. The list is divided into the 4 categories: Image, Audio, Video, and Document.
* Fixed maximum filename length on Mac incorrectly set to the same as on Windows
* Program will always attempt to replace invalid characters in tag values with a -. The replace character can be changed in settings
* Undo lists will automatically be deleted after 30 days
* Default setting for progress window is changed to close automatically
+ After batch, added option to add unchanged items to the list
* A non-portable version of the program can no longer be changed to portable
- Removed show Explorer File Properties from list right click popup menu
- Removed image dimension tags with physical units, like <Img Width Inch>. Use instead <Img Width:0:inch>, <Img Width:0:cm>, or <Img Width:0:mm>
- Attributes method removed. Did not add enough unique functionality
- Column sets are no longer supported
- List no longer supports multiple display modes, like large icons
- Thumbnail mode has been removed
- Metadata writer is no longer available (will be added later)