recursing through subdirectories

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 31/05-24 22:00
randy batoon
Posts: 4
I need to replace a character that may be in certain files in a folder and subfolders below the top level folder which may also contain subfolders.
How do I perform this with Advanced Renamer.
#2 : 01/06-24 02:54
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 417
Reply to #1:

Hi Randy,

You've just described *exactly* what the REPLACE method does. Drag the top-level folder to ARen, specify "Add the files in the folders" and "Include subfolders" (and apply a filter if needed) in the popup "Add folders" window, and use a replace method to replace the character. Boom.
#3 : 02/06-24 03:47
Cornelius Nyber
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:
I have the same question but related to file-pairs. If I follow your instruction on Aren v3.95 only the not hidden files are added. I have from my Sony cam besides .MP4 as well .MODD and .MOFF which I want to rename. The file-pair toggle is active but the hidden files are not loaded.

If I select "files" in the menu then the file-explore window is opening and I can select all files in ONE folder to be added. Renaming incl file-pairs will work. But I have more than 500 folders which I do not want to load manually folder by folder.

Is this a bug in 3.95 or is there another way to load as well hidden files to the files folder? Thx in advance!
#4 : 02/06-24 04:35
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 417
Reply to #3:

Hi Cornelius,

Anything I say is just conjecture, since I don't even know what those file-types are. Is there a reason you need to keep the attribute "hidden" set? I'd just use an "Attributes" method to unset the hidden attrib, do what you need to do, then if necessary set all files of whatever type back to hidden.

EDIT 3: Ok, my final answer. Change "Options/view" in File Explorer to "Show hidden files" and you can then see them, and drag them into ARen (by dragging containing folders).

Does that make sense?


EDIT: I realized after posting that this doesn't make ANY sense at all... since dragging your folders into ARen won't show the hidden files. :) Since I don't think I've ever used a hidden file, or even used the "List/add..." menu option (I always drag-and-drop), I'm not going to be much use to you. All I'll add is you could always use a batch file to change the attributes, whether directly in cmd or by running through ARen. Good luck!
EDIT 2: Actually you probably don't need a batch file; I think XCOPY or whatever will alter attributes. That's the kind of thing I'd look at.

edited: 02/06-24 05:39
#5 : 05/06-24 21:59
randy batoon
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:
#6 : 08/06-24 22:35
Cornelius Nyber
Posts: 4
Reply to #4:

Hi Delta Foxtrot,
Thx for the investigation! While I was writing the issue last week I came to the same idea/conclusion. I used CMD "attrib -h /S /D *.modd" to unhide. By this Aren imported the hidden files on all subfolders. After that I did the same to hide the files by "attrib+h /S /D *.modd".
There is a method to change the Attributes but the Method has no parameters to select specific files.

The only issue I have now is Aren on large files using ExifTool parameter. It shows <ExifTool:Warning>End of processing at large atom (LargeFileSupport not enabled) on those files >2GB if I want to Rename by <ExifTool:MediaCreateDate><ExifTool:DateTimeOriginal>-<NAME>
ExifTool would allow to use a config file to enable large file support "-api LargeFileSupport=1"

Any idea how to get this parameter to Aren? THX in advance!

Found a ticket in the Forum um_id=12095 which describes to just add the .ExifTool_config in the Aren Folder. All large files are then analyzed >2GB and ExifTool-Parameter are working fine.

edited: 09/06-24 00:28
#7 : 09/06-24 16:11
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 417
Reply to #6:

Wow! Congratulations Cornelius, you are one of the elite few who have actually USED the "search" feature to find an answer to a question! :)

Feels good, right?
