Replacing email addresses (*@*)

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 28/06-24 16:49
Posts: 3
Hi everyone

@Miguel: Thanks for your tip here: um_id=13959, that works.

Now I am trying to remove the names in front of the email address:

This is my starting point (examples):
2023-11-01 (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - Blaurot GmbH ([email protected]).eml
2023-11-29 Re (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - Fritz Zuloff ([email protected]).eml
2023-11-30 Re [ABC-943064] Kontrolle - Blaurot GmbH ([email protected]).eml
This is what I want:
2023-11-01 (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - ([email protected]).eml
2023-11-29 Re (ABC-943064) Kontrolle - ([email protected])..eml
2023-11-30 Re [ABC-943064] Kontrolle - ([email protected]).eml

I can't make Miguel's pattern work here...
It seems that the @ is not recognized, as well as I don't know how to make the parentheses recognized - as they are used for grouping.
Is there any escape character I can use?
Any other ideas?

#2 : 28/06-24 17:45
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 406
Reply to #1:

Hi Jan,

This will do it.

REPLACE method:

TTBR: " \- [^\(]+?\("
[Lose the quotes - one space before and after "\-"]
RW: " - ("
[Again, no quotes]
Occurrence: All
Case sens: NO
Regular expr.: YES
Apply to: Name

Screenshot: UUAdm-qb-NtUCd3qC/view?usp=sharing


EDIT: Miguel's way below is simpler and works. I'd use that if I were you.
Good job Miguel!

edited: 28/06-24 18:45
#3 : 28/06-24 18:04
Posts: 171
Reply to #1:
Hi Jan.

Use a Replace method:
Text to Replace: - * (
Replace with: - (

EDIT: Add a space before the dash

Occurrence: All
Case sens: NO
Regular expression.: NO
Apply to: Name


edited: 28/06-24 19:56