#1 : 24/07-24 23:16 Stuart Morris
Posts: 3
How to add date created?
#2 : 24/07-24 23:50 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 410
Reply to #1:
Hello Stuart, There are several methods to do what you want; it sort of depends on the format of your files. If they are image or video files you can use the tags specifically for doing that, like <Img DateOriginal:format> <Img DateCreate:format> or <Video Date Year:x> <Video Date Month:x> <Video Date Day> (see https://www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/tags_ image and https://www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/tags_ video ) Otherwise you can investigate the various metadata attributes that can be inserted into a filename, either with the little blue "</>" doohickey to the right of a lot of method entry fields (like "Replace with:" in a Replace method or "Add:" in an Add method. From there you can access all the internal tags of Advanced Renamer. If that doesn't get you what you want, highlight a file in the files list and click on the ExifTool button below the file list. By copying and pasting an ExifTool tag (like <ExifTool:CreateDate> for instance) into the appropriate method you may/should get what you need if all else fails. The same thing applies to your question about date modified. If you need more specific information we need a more specific question. For instance: What type files? Where in the filename do you want to add it (sufficient before/after examples appreciated and useful)? What version ARen are you using (not all of what I just said applies to the new version 4.0 beta)? etc. An added benefit is that we then don't have to write a novella-length answer to dispose of a two- or three-line information dump, thereby saving you some reading/comprehension time. Not trying to be rude or whatever, just saying that it's more efficient that way. Good luck and happy renaming :) DF |
#3 : 23/10-24 03:05 borlio
Posts: 1
Reply to #2:
Hello Thanks for the reply. I am seeing from documentation that https://www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/v4/ta gs_datetimecreated are only supported on Windows. Was wondering if the iOS App will soon supported Datetime created tags, would be a nice useful add (at least for my use case) Thank you |