#1 : 28/01-25 21:18 Alec Hanson
Posts: 1
I have 283 folders named after a part #, with 24 files in each folder with their own naming convention. I need to rename the files in each folder based on the Folder Name and an incremental suffix.
I know how to rename them by each folder individually, but is there a way to bulk rename the images in each folder through a particular script? Example: Folder name - 123456 Files within the folder rename to - 123456_1, 123456_2, etc |
#2 : 28/01-25 22:49 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 410
Reply to #1:
Hi Alec, welcome, Yes, it almost couldn't be easier. You'll be using one "New name" method and two tags, <FolderName:1> (the name of the folder containing the files) and <IncNrDir> (an incrementing number that resets after each folder's files are complete). Read about them here: https://www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/v4/ta gs_default Open an instance of ARen with no methods, then add the New name method. In the "New name:" field place this phrase: <FolderName:1>_<IncNrDir> (If you don't want the incrementing numbers padded with zeros you'll need to go to Options / Settings / Renaming and UNCHECK the "Use zero padding in Inc Nr tags" checkbox) Drag your folders into the files list and tell ARen to load the files in the folders. If you need to exclude some files you can do that in the pre-load panel where you choose between files and folders. Check the New Filename column to make sure the names are what you want, then click "Start batch". Done. :) If you make a mistake remember you can always undo the batch. Best, DF |