<Inc Nr:x:y> | Will insert an increasing number starting with X and up. X can be any number value.
If you have e.g. 200 files in the list, the program will add leading zeros to all files
below 100 like this 001, 002, 003 etc. If you don't want leading zeros you can turn them
off in Settings Dialog. To force a certain number of zeros,
set the value of X like this 001 for a number length of 3. Default value for X is 1. The second optional parameter Y can be used to define the stepping of the increasing number. When used like <Inc Nr:1:2> the results will be 001, 003, 005, 007 etc. |
<Inc NrDir:x:y> | Acts like <Inc Nr> with the exception that this function counts per folder. Default value for X is 1. The behavior of the optional parameter Y is the same as the parameter Y for the <Inc Nr> tag. |
<Inc Alpha:x:y> | Will insert an increasing letter starting with X and up. X can be any letter value. If you use a small letter, it will use small letters in all the files and big letters if you use a big on. To force longer values, use more characters to suggest the optimal length, like this <Inc Alpha:AAA> The behavior of the optional parameter Y is the same as the parameter Y for the <Inc Nr> tag. |
<Name> | Inserts the original name of the file. Not the path and not the extension, only the name. e.g. if you have a file called "c:\windows\notepad.exe", this command's result will only be "notepad". |
<Ext> | Will insert the original files extension. Notice that this tag does not include the ".". e.g. if you have a file called "c:\windows\notepad.exe", the result of <Ext> will be "exe". |
<FolderName:x> | Inserts the last folder name. eg. "c:\windows\notepad.exe" will give "windows" as result. If X is a numeric value that value will be used to select a folder name in the sequence from the right part of the path. If using a negative number for X the folder name is selected from the left to right.. <Dirname:3> for "c:\programs\games\new\mine sweeper\highscore\file.txt" will yield "new" <Dirname:4> for "c:\programs\games\new\mine sweeper\highscore\file.txt" will yield "games" <Dirname:-1> for "c:\programs\games\new\mine sweeper\highscore\file.txt" will yield "programs" |
<Num Files:x> | This will insert a number telling how many files there is in the directory where the file is located. Like the <Inc Nr>, this function is zero padded. To manually override the zero padding, use the x parameter, xxx will zero pad to 3 digits. Note: It does not include other directories. |
<Num Dirs:x> | This will insert a number telling how many sub-directories there is in the directory where the folder is located. Note: This only works on folders. Like the <Inc Nr>, this function is zero padded. To manually override the zero padding, use the x parameter, xxx will zero pad to 3 digits. |
<Num Items:x> | Inserts the total number of items in the list. Like the <IncNr>, this function is zero padded. To manually override the zero padding, use the x parameter, xxx will zero pad to 3 digits. |
<Word:x> | Will insert a word from the filename index by X. <Word:3> will insert the third word of the filename. Word are separated by values present in the word separator text field in the settings dialog. Default value for X is 1. |